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Physical Therapy Examination Covered by Medicare with No Prescription

As stated directly from the source 'Medicare Benefit Policy Manual - Chapter 15, Section 220.1' you can confirm that you do NOT need a referral, order, prescription, etc. to be seen by a physical therapist. Medicare does not have this stipulation despite many claims from the public and medical/therapy offices. If you have been informed incorrectly, we encourage you to use the citation(s) from the manual aforementioned. More information on Medicare's coverage for outpatient Physical Therapy

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Official Physical Therapy Center for the Amarillo Wranglers and FC Amarillo Bombers
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Total Physical Therapy
3701 A1 Olsen Blvd 
Amarillo, TX
806 467-8181
806 467-8282 fax


Mon/Wed 8:00-6:00

Tu/Th 9:00-6:00

Fr 8:00-3:00

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