There has been a lot of talk around our office, from clients, and friends about our #ValentoneChallenge that is happening on our Instagram and Facebook channels. If you have a workout partner and are looking for some ideas for simultaneous exercises to challenge each other or grab some bragging rights then check out the #ValentoneChallenge that has been holding steady now for 3 weeks.
Just now becoming aware of the challenge? That's perfectly fine. Just jump in and hit the floor running!
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Want to follow us on Facebook? Follow us HERE.
Make sure not to miss a beat from our FB page by the following:
From TotalPhysicalTherapyAmarillo page, first "follow"our page then click on follow again
After the second click you will see a section labeled "in your news feed" and below that you will see "see first" on the far right.
Select "see first."You're all set !! Happy viewing !!
Here's a peek into the #ValentoneChallenge

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